Hello there Mama! I know you feel like all the stress is on your shoulders. You even feel like you look like you have not slept in days. I know all your emotions and probably even your hormones are all over the place lately. I know you are trying your hardest to keep those tears from falling down your beautiful face. I want to tell you something that you probably do not hear enough. YOU ARE AMAZING.
The dishes are sitting in the kitchen sink, the dirty laundry has been sitting there for over two weeks, still have to go grocery shopping, the bills need to get paid, and the house is upside down. I know you are feeling afflicted. You need to remind yourself that you are amazing.
You wake up every morning, take care of the kids and spouse before yourself, you drop the children off at school or see them off, parent your children, and support your spouse and most likely work full-time. After putting so many hours into each week completing all the daily to-do’s you still do not sense you are done. You need to remind yourself that you are amazing.
Amidst all your dreams and hopes, you tend to tell yourself that you should be better and doing more. You are continuously feeling guilty no matter what you do. Sometimes you may feel like you are not a great mother because you do not invest all your spare time with your children. Regardless of how much effort and time you put in you never sense that you are trying enough. You are putting enough time into your family. I know the kind of mother that you are to your children and I can see how devoted you are to your spouse. You need to remind yourself that you are amazing.
I can see all the stress you are putting on yourself to be more invested in your family. I also see the stress that you are placing on yourself to make more money and to be better at all of the things you are. You are a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend. You are every single one of those but you do not need to be perfect. You need to remind yourself that you are amazing.
It does not matter how old you are, you still need to take time to yourself. There is no such thing as perfect in the world we live in. Sit there and think what makes you happy. . What you do daily and who you are is hard enough. You are always being pulled all over the place every second of every day. The thing is I know how amazing you are and you do not even realize it. Want to know how I know? Because I am you. You are worthy to know that YOU ARE AMAZING no matter what you keep telling yourself.
Josephine says
These are such great reminders for mama’s everywhere! Thank you for sharing!
Sofia Gora says
Awe thank you for reading love! ?
Alecia says
This hit home! Thank you!
Sofia Gora says
Awe thank you for taking the time to read! Means a lot!