This post is sponsored by Evivo but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
If you are anything like me you didn’t know, until you became a mother, how critical the first 6 months of a baby’s life are to the development of their gut health. Did you know that bad bacteria in a baby’s gut is linked to a higher risk of autoimmune and metabolic issues later in life; this can include but is not limited to, colic, eczema, allergies, diabetes and obesity.

These concerns are why we started researching supplements that we could give to baby John to help combat the risk. During our thorough searches we stumbled upon Evivo and found the good bacteria B. infantis is missing from baby’s gut. Because I had a c-section, we discovered that the good bacteria that was supposed to be transferred from me to John, was not.

Before we learned of all of this we didn’t think anything was going to be different from what we had experienced with our first, Michael. The truth is, John was a whole other story. John was an angel the first night of his life then everything changed. He was super difficult to soothe and was constantly throwing up breast milk after every single feeding. I felt helpless at times when I couldn’t comfort him. I also felt immense mom guilt since I was paying ALL my attention to John and felt like I wasn’t giving any attention to Michael. Since I only breastfed Michael for about 6-8 weeks, my goal was to breast feed John longer. Breast feeding is not easy and there are so many challenges that I faced. John would constantly pop on and off while continuing to spit up a ton. He was always gassy and looked like he was in pain. I truly felt like I was failing at what I was meant to do.

We decided to introduce Evivo probiotics in hopes that it would help us and started noticing a positive change within a week. He was less fussy, gassy, and didn’t spit up as much as before. I wish we would have started it sooner. I strongly believe in happy belly equals happy baby. I highly recommend for all parents to look into this for their babies. This has really helped us out.

You can use my code BLOG9KW6B for $10 off for a month or BLOGT2WPZ for $20 off for more on Evivo!

Check out these myths and facts about gut health!
- MYTH #1: Baby looks healthy so baby’s gut is healthy too.
- FACT #1: 9 out of 10 babies born in the US have a low functioning gut microbiome due to the lack of good bacteria needed for a healthy gut.
- MYTH #2: Babies will grow out of tummy troubles as they get older.
- FACT #2 : The first 6 months are critical for proper immune and metabolic development. Too much bad bacteria in the gut early in life is linked to metabolic and immune disorders such as asthma, eczema, allergy, Type 1 Diabetes and obesity down the road.
- MYTH #3: Baby probiotics are only needed when symptoms appear.
- FACT #3: Probiotics are not just for fixing symptomatic conditions. In fact, Evivo is the only probiotic clinically proven to repopulate baby’s gut with the good bacteria they are missing 100% of the time, every time.
- MYTH #4: There’s not enough science to prove probiotics are really helpful.
- FACT #4: Evivo is the result of over a decade of research and clinical trials studying the importance of B. infantis in the gut, and the many benefits it provides to baby’s gut health.
- MYTH #5: All probiotics are the same.
- FACT #5: Strain does matter. Evivo is the only baby probiotic clinically proven to be 100% effective in restoring B. infantis to baby’s gut while reducing bad bacteria by 80%.

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